Internal bleeds are very serious as the casualty is still technically losing blood, even if it is still technically inside their body. Internal bleeding is often very hard to detect, as no blood can be seen leaving the body. Instead, it pools inside the body, building up over time. The bleeding can occur around organs, […]
Articles Tagged: Brain

Fainting is a common cause of a patient losing consciousness. It is caused by a lack of blood to the brain. This can be caused by anxiety, hunger, pregnancy, stress, worry, tiredness, standing for long periods, too hot or after receiving local anaesthetic containing adrenaline. If a patient is lying flat, there are much less […]

A stroke can occur when a blood vessel in the brain becomes blocked or ruptured. This means parts of the brain become starved of oxygen. This is very serious, as your body constantly needs oxygen, especially the brain. If you suspect a stroke, you must call the emergency medical services immediately. An estimated 150,000 people […]

Epilepsy is currently defined by the NHS as “a common condition that affects the brain and causes frequent seizures”. There are many types of seizure, and they are caused by a sudden burst of excess electrical activity in the brain. This causes a temporary disruption to the normal message passing between brain cells and results […]

Head Injuries
Head injuries must be treated with the utmost care. The skull, or cranium, contains one of the main components of the Central Nervous System – the brain. The brain controls most things that happen in the body, and any damage to it could be fatal. Concussion Concussion is one of the most common types of […]

Cerebral Contusion
A Cerebral Contusion is when there is bruising on the brain – this happens in around 20-30% of all serious head injuries. Blood vessels in the brain get damaged and leak. This causes pockets of blood to form either in or around the brain. Consequently, the pressure builds up and it will affect the brain. […]

Cerebral Compression
Cerebral Compression is where there is pressure on the brain caused by swelling or bleeding. This is a very serious condition and the Emergency Medical Services should be alerted. The swelling can be due to a build-up of blood within the skull or swelling of injured brain tissues. This may be caused by cerebral contusion, […]