Adult CPR, or Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation, is vital for restarting someones heart if it stops beating. If someone is unconscious, check to see if they are breathing and if they are not, commence CPR. Arriving at the Scene As a First Aider, the first thing you should always do is check for dangers. Your safety […]
Articles Tagged: Compression
Effective CPR
Effective CPR is key to having a higher chance of resuscitating a patient who has had a heart attack. The optimum position for providing CPR is by the side of the victim to allow for easier movement between the compressions and the breaths. Compressions could be given over the head if the victim is in […]

Cerebral Compression
Cerebral Compression is where there is pressure on the brain caused by swelling or bleeding. This is a very serious condition and the Emergency Medical Services should be alerted. The swelling can be due to a build-up of blood within the skull or swelling of injured brain tissues. This may be caused by cerebral contusion, […]