Infant CPR

Infant CPR is very similar to adult CPR, however, there are a few key differences. “Infant” refers to anyone from birth to age one. People this age are much smaller than children and their bones are even weaker. Both of these have to be taken into consideration when carrying out CPR. As always, once identified […]

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Child CPR

Child CPR is very similar to adult CPR, however, there are a few key differences. “Child” refers to anyone aged 1 to the start of puberty. People this age are much smaller and their bones are weaker, which both have to be taken into consideration. As always, once identified that CPR is required, make sure […]

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Adult CPR

Adult CPR, or Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation, is vital for restarting someones heart if it stops beating. If someone is unconscious, check to see if they are breathing and if they are not, commence CPR. Arriving at the Scene As a First Aider, the first thing you should always do is check for dangers. Your safety […]

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The Circulatory System

The heart is one of the most important organs in mammals and is made of muscular tissue. It pumps blood around the body to other vital organs, giving them oxygen for aerobic respiration. In one circulation of the body, blood enters and leaves the heart twice. Arteries and veins carry blood around the body. Arteries […]

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