
Dehydration occurs when your body uses more water than you consume. If you do not consume enough water this can affect the functions of the body. This occurs because the balance of minerals, vitamins and other chemicals in your body is not normal. Dehydration has an effect on proper nutrition as the correct fluids are […]

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Burn kit

Burns and Burn Kits

Burns are something that you can come across in many different areas. It might be a temperature burn where someone has touched something very hot or very cold, it could be flames, steam, or even sunburn or chemical burns. Types of Burn There are different levels of burns. The least serious are superficial burns, where […]

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Drowning is defined as death within 24 hours of suffocation by submersion in a liquid, normally freshwater or seawater. Near-drowning implies successful resuscitation from suffocation caused by submersion. Secondary drowning refers to fluid accumulation in the lungs following what appears to be a successful recovery from a near-drowning event. What to Do if Someone is […]

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