TQUK Level 3 Award in First Aid at Work - Online Blended Part 1

101 videos, 5 hours and 18 minutes

Course Content

The Muscular System

Video 15 of 101
2 min 34 sec
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Overview of the Muscular System

This guide explores the three main types of muscle tissue in the human body, their functions, and properties.

Smooth Muscle Tissue

Location: Found in the digestive, reproductive, circulatory, and urinary systems.

Function: Operates involuntarily, controlling various internal processes.

Cardiac Muscle Tissue

Location: Exclusive to the heart.

Function: Regulated by the sinoatrial node to maintain a heart rhythm, typically around 72 beats per minute in a resting, healthy person.

Characteristic: Exhibits autorhythmicity, a specific heart contraction pattern.

Skeletal Muscle Tissue

Function: Facilitates movement by attaching muscles to joints via tendons, controlled voluntarily by the somatic nervous system.

Roles: Includes locomotion, posture maintenance, and internal substance transportation like glycogen.

Properties of Muscles

Muscles generally possess four key properties:

  • Elasticity - ability to stretch and return to original length
  • Contractility - capability to shorten and generate force
  • Electrical Excitability - responsiveness to stimulation
  • Extensibility - capacity to be extended without damage

For more detailed information on the muscular system, consult a healthcare professional or anatomist.