First Aid at Work Level 3 (VTQ) - Online Blended Part 1

106 videos, 5 hours and 27 minutes

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First Aid in the Workplace Injury statistics

Video 8 of 106
1 min 39 sec
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Importance of First Aid in the Workplace


Accidents and injuries can occur unexpectedly in the workplace, irrespective of the sector or job description. First aid is often the initial response in managing workplace injuries, making it vital for employers to offer suitable first aid facilities and training for their employees.

Workplace Injury Statistics

According to the HSE, over 69,208 non-fatal injuries were reported during 2019-2020. Many of these injuries necessitated first aid treatment at the workplace. While the HSE does not collate data on specific injuries requiring first aid treatment, we can infer the most common types of injuries needing first aid based on general workplace data.

Common Injuries Requiring First Aid

Cuts and Lacerations

Cuts and lacerations often result from handling sharp objects or machinery. Administering first aid is crucial to prevent infection and stop bleeding.


Burns may occur from exposure to chemicals, hot liquids, or fire. First aid can help to relieve pain and prevent further harm.

Bruises and Sprains

Bruises and sprains can arise due to slips, trips, and falls, or from managing heavy items. First aid can assist in reducing swelling and easing pain.

Serious Injuries Requiring First Aid

In addition to these common injuries, it is important to recognise that first aid may also be required for more serious injuries such as:

  • Fractures
  • Head Injuries
  • Spinal Injuries

In these instances, first aid should be administered to stabilise the injured individual and prevent further harm until medical professionals can attend.


Providing adequate first aid facilities and training in the workplace is essential for managing both common and serious injuries. Employers must ensure their staff are prepared to respond effectively to workplace accidents to maintain a safe working environment.