Pulse Points
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Finding Pulse Points on the Body
Primary Pulse Point: Radial Pulse
The main pulse point to locate is the radial pulse:
- Location: It's found on your wrist, just below your thumb.
- Technique: Use two fingers with gentle pressure to detect it.
- Sensation: You'll feel it pulsate against your fingers.
- Note: Avoid using your thumb and use only one hand.
Additional Pulse Points
Other pulse points on the body include:
- Brachial Pulse: Located further up your arm.
- Carotid Pulse: Found on your neck.
- Femoral Pulse: Situated where your leg and groin bend.
- Popliteal Pulse: Detectable behind your knee.
- Pedal Pulse: On top of the foot.
Pulse as a Health Indicator
Your pulse can indicate your health:
If you're unwell:
- You may lose peripheral pulses, starting with the radial pulse and pedal pulse.
- This protects the vital areas of your body.
- Carotid pulse loss occurs in cases of cardiac arrest or death.
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